We recently took the time to donate a brand new kitchen to the wonderful people over at Who Cares? Scotland.
What is “Who Cares? Scotland”
Who Cares? Scotland works for children, young people and adults who are Care Experienced – this means currently in care (Foster Care, Kinship Care, Children’s Homes or Looked after at home but with help from a social worker) or having left care. One aspect of their work is providing opportunities for belonging and connection through participation in our local groups.
Visit the home of Who Cares? Scotland online for support or to learn about you can get involved today.

Their brand new Kitchen space
The new room in their Paisley office will be used to run groups for Primary and secondary school age children as well as other young people. These groups provide vital connections and a safe space for the individual and sometimes their carers to come together, try new experiences, and can go out on trips etc.
The room will also be a ‘drop in’ space for older Care Experienced young people who, once they leave the care system, often find themselves alone and without support in the community. For this group, it will be a space to understand their rights during/after care, to seek signposting to other services, and just to get a friendly chat and a hot drink when feeling alone